Monday, May 28, 2012

pisang rebus

pisang rebus dan dimakan dengan kelapa 
yang dicampur dengan sedikit garam
ini adalah antara makanan untuk minum petang 
yang sering mak sediakan masa saya kecik-kecik dulu
dan sering kali membuatkan 
kami adik beradik berebut-rebut untuk menikmatinya...

masa yang berlalu dan disogokkan pula dengan 
limpahan hidangan terkini yang pelbagai
membuatkan pisang rebus ini semakin dilupai
agak bertahun juga tak jamah hidangan pisang rebus ni
walaupun ianya antara feberet saya dulu...
walaubagaimanapun kegemaran berkunjung ke kopitiam
telah menemukan saya dengan hidangan feberet saya ini

tu dia.... tengok jer dah meleleh air liur...
bezanya pisangnya dikukus 
dan dimodenkan dengan  menghidangkannya 
dengan curahan coklat cair
but still the taste can bring me to old time....
lagi satu sebab kami makan kat sini

@ old timer kopitiam, badar tasik permaisuri, cheras

see, kelly sorang jer boleh makan sampai 4 biji... her mummy have to order another plate...

Friday, May 25, 2012

air serai yang menyamankan

korang pernah minum air serai. 
minuman ni  fofular di thailand
dan sekarang ni dah mula fofular kat malaysia

air serai ni elok untuk menyejukkan badan
kalau rasa-rasa panas dalam badan
cubalah minum air serai ni
pasti korang rasa segar dan menyamankan
ditambah lak ngan aromanya yang tersendiri...
pergh i tell you....
belum minumpun dah terasa kesegarannya
tak caya cuba try

air serai ni enak diminum sejuk ataupun panas
selain untuk menyejukkan badan
dengar citer ia juga bagus diminum
oleh ibu-ibu selepas bersalin
untuk penghadaman dan  pelawasan
ia juga dipercayai boleh melegakan batuk
dan sakit tekak

selalunya saya minum kat kedai je..
tapi pernah terjumpa resepi ni kat majalah saji
beberapa tahun dulu so saya share kat sini
all we need is...
10 batang serai
3 liter air
gula batu
(ikut suka tahap kemanisan yang dikehendaki)
bersihkan serai, ketuk-ketuk sikit
masukkan dalam air
dan rebus bersama gula batu hingga mendidih
kecikkan api 
biar air mendidih lama sikit
dah siap bolehlah diminum panas atau sejuk
nak tambah perasa bolehlah perah limau sikit..
kalau tak nak guna gula batu 
bole saja ganti ngan gula biasa atau madu

yang ni saya minum kat naili's place sentul

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

untuk sahabatku...

saya mengenali beliau sejak ditingkatan empat lagi
 walau kami bukan dari kelas yang sama 
tapi beliau adalah seorang yang amat peramah,
baik hati dan selalu sahaja membuatkan 
semua orang disekelilingya 
ceria dan gembira
tidak hairanlah jika hampir kesemua guru dan pelajar 
sekolah kami waktu itu amat mengenali beliau
bertahun berpisah kerana tuntutan kerjaya 
dan hidup masing-masing
kami bertemu semula semasa gathering sekolah
beberapa tahun lepas
beliau masih dengan sikap yang dulu..
tetap ramah walau sudah memegang jawatan tinggi 
di sebuah syarikat konglemerat kerajaan
semasa perjumpaan itu banyak yang kami ceritakan 
kebanyakkannya kisah dulu-dulu waktu zaman sekolah...
sementelah saya dan rakan-rakan rapat 
memang suka dok menyakat beliau yang agak lembut orangnya dulu
dan lagi beliau seorang yang amat pengingat
sebutlah siapa sahaja dan kisah-kisah yang berlaku dulu
insyaallah pasti beliau ingat
sudahnya beliau menjadi pakar rujuk kami untuk 
kisah-kisah waktu sekolah dulu

itulah kali terakhir kami bertemu
selepas itu kami cuma berhubung di alam maya sahaja
beberapa kali mendengar khabar beliau dimasukkan ke hospital 
kerana sakit barah yang dihadapinya
tetapi belum berkesempatan untuk menziarahi beliau
 hanya doa dipanjatkan agar beliau cepat sembuh dan sehat dari sakitnya itu

apapun janji Allah itu pasti
bila telah tiba masanya 
kita harus pergi jua..
walau ramai yang menyenangi dan menyayangi beliau
tetapi kasih Allah melebihi segalanya.. 
ya.... sahabatku ini telah dijemput untuk kembali ke rahmatullah pagi ini...
meninggalkan isteri, anak-anak dan keluarga tercinta 
rakan-rakan dan semua yang mengenali beliau
pergi utnuk selama-lamanya...

semoga roh allahyarham tuan haji sahli sukarman
 ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman....
kepada keluarga allahyarham
semoga tabah menghadapi segala dugaan...
yang pergi tetap pergi
hidup perlu diteruskan
masa untuk kita entah bila
Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui...

sambal permaisuri

my mr hubby amat suka makanan yang pedas-pedas
kalau makan tak ada yang pedas-pedas
macam ada jer yang tak kena...
hinggakan kalau makan nasi ayam atau nasi beryanipun
mesti request cili padi
and off course dia memang suka sambal belacan
tapi since en. resdungnye agak menjadi-jadi sekarang ni
especially bila makan sambal belacan...
maka saya dah tak lagi menyediakan sambal belacan di rumah
tapi hidangan pedas tetap juga pasti ada
so saya gantikan dengan sambal ini
we call it
sambal permaisuri

untuk menyediakannya senang jer..
kita cuma perlukan ikan bilis barang segenggam
cili merah 2 biji, cili padi 10 biji,
kalau nak pedas korang tambah le lagi 
then bawang merah seulas dua 
saya guna yang saiz kecik jer

ikan bilis digoreng hingga garing
dah garing, angkat, letak tepi dulu
lepas tu goreng cili merah, cili padi dan bawang
agak-agak layu sikit tu bolehlah angkat

kesemua bahan tadi hendaklah ditumbuk
nak tumbuk halus boleh
nak kasar-kasar sikitpun boleh ikut suka korang ler
pas tu bolehlah dimakan
makan lak ngan nasi panas-panas
pergh... malatops...

Monday, May 14, 2012

selamat hari IBU

this entry suppose to be published last sunday
tapi dek kerana sibuk sesangat so terdelay sampai ke hari ni
afterall we are still in may
to all the mother's out there
i want to wish all of you

Happy mother's day
terima kasih kerana telah menjalankan
tugas-tugas seorang ibu dengan baik
semoga anda semua tabah mengharungi
cabaran-cabaran yang mendatang

kepada ibuku tercinta
Puan Hajjah Zabeidah Harun
Selamat Hari Ibu
terima kasih atas segalanya
kasih sayang
susah payah 
dalam membesarkan kami anak-anakmu
moga hidupmu sentiasa berbahagia
dan dirahmati Allah

kasih sayang yang tak terhingga untukmu

pancake kasih sayang

 ni adalah breakfast hujung minggu
terutama bila..
malas nak kuar gi beli sarapan
and malas nak makan yang berat-berat pagi-pagi
kalau buat yang ini
ramai yang nak membantu

we just need
tepung biasa, baking powder, soda bicarbonate,
butter, telor, gula, fresh milk, sedikit garam
and butter untuk menggoreng

kelly and achik will get me the ingredients
i will sukat all the things
achik will help beating the batter gilir-gilir ngan kelly
they like to do this so much
kekadang tu sampai berebut2
kakak or kak ngah will do the goreng-goreng part
and hubby 
will help the makan-makan part...

so here it is our
pancake kasih sayang

Friday, May 11, 2012

happy birthday kelly

this day
7 years ago
she was born
my sweet little angel
nurin zuhaily
or kelly as everyone call her now
or ally as what she refers her self to....
adorable sweet baby
my precious...

the baby is born

hours later....

4 months old during majilis akikah & potong jambul

2 years...

3 years...

4 years... with the drawing title `ayah saya'
5 years...

6 years...

hmmmm yummy

tadika years...

first day at school...

saya dah sekolah... yesss...

we praise Allah for sending her to us
adding joy and happiness to everyone in the family

i pray that she will grow up 
and be a good solehah 
useful to the religion, family and nation

happy birthday dear
and lots and lots of love...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

fAMiLy RuLeS

Let's practice this...

after all
do everything with love
value your family  
may all of us 
have a wonderful 

ABC poem

i come across this poem at 
to the owner of this page 
thank you for the lovely poem
and wish you don't mind i'm sharing this 
with my friends and readers

may all of us get some inspiration from this piece,

A is for Allah  
Lord of the Universe, who is One,
He made the earth, stars, and sun
He made angels to worship and pray,
He made man from a dab of clay

B is for Bilal
Bilal is that tall, brave African man,
Islam freed him and gave him iman
Calling the Muslims to come and pray,
Was his duty each night and day

C  is for Children
Black, white, red, yellow, and brown,
Better than the jewels in a crown
Laughing or crying, short or tall,
Allah loves children, one and all

D is for Du'a
Remembering Allah all nights and days,
By giving Him our thanks and praise
Thank Allah with "Al Hamdulillah"
And praise Him with "Subhanallah

E is for Earth
With its mountains, rivers, and seas,
Animals, birds, fruits, and trees
They all declare Allah's Might,
Following His laws, wills, and light

F is for Faith
That which the Muslims call Iman,
Is in the heart of the believing man
Will come from his lip and hand,
Love for Allah pouring out like sand

G is for Gabriel
An angel created by Allah from light,
His duty is to serve Allah all day and night
To Prophet Muhammad (S) he did appear,
To bring mankind the Holy Qur'an so dear

H is for Heaven
God's garden of joy, peace, and love,
The home for Muslim's souls above
The path to this heavenly place
Is faith in Allah's guidance and grace

I is for Islam
A way of life for all of who,
Give to Allah the praise that is due
We worship and pray five times a day,
Because we know it is the best way

J is for Jesus
Peace be upon him, 'Isa, the son of Maryam,
To his people Allah's word did he carry
By Allah's help he made the sick well,
So people would believe what he had to tell

K is for Ka'bah
First house of Allah in Makkah was made,
By Ibrahim and Isma'il the stones were laid
Millions of believers from every race,
Come for Hajj tot his extra special place

L is for Life  
A precious gift from Allah to you,
Don't waste it, he knows what you do
Don't chase pleasure or forget Allah,
No matter how little, say "Al-Hamdulillah

M is for Muhammad
Peace be upon him, Abdullah's son,
From Allah's enemies he did not run
Of all the Prophets he was the last,
Islam his message which we hold fast

N is for Nuh
Peace be upon him, a Prophet who was very good,
Allah told him to build an ark, fast as he could
Take pairs of animals and the believers-all,
The flood was coming and the waves would be tall!

O is for Obedience
It is the duty of each Muslim to obey,
The Qur'an and the Sunnah all the way
Go for Hajj, give Zakah, fast, and pray,
And to your parents do not say, "Nay!"

P is for Prayer
It is the cornerstone of Muslim life,
And the devil it cuts like a knife
Prayer five times a day is a must,
In Allah you should put your trust

Q is for Qur'an
A blessing and guide for all of mankind,
In it Allah's message you will find
Of all His messages it is the last,
Perfect for present, future, and past

R is for Ramadan  
For Muslims this blessed month of fasting,
Is to celebrate Allah's love everlasting
All day, no food, nor drink, nor evil deeds,
Pray and read Qur'an, to heaven this leads

S is for Surah
One hundred and fourteen in the Qur'an,
Read them and trust in Al-Rahman,
Do you know ten of them that you can say?
Knowing them will help you pray

T is for Tawheed
La ilaaha illallah, Allah is the only one,
There is no partner with Him, nor son
Allah is the answer to all that we need,
Watch your heart and tongue, He knows every deed

U is for Ummah
The Muslim community which Muhammad (S) found,
The brotherhood of Islam made it sound
Allah's laws in the Qur'an and Sunnah,
Are to help everyone in the Ummah

V is for Victory
It is the help from Allah to you,
His guidance in everything you do
Work and prayer a Muslim does need,
To celebrate Allah's victory, indeed!

W is for Wudu'
We must keep our minds and bodies clean,
Because by Allah we are always seen
Whenever you hear the call of athan,
Prepare and come pray as soon as you can

X is for "Seen" *
X is not easy for us to rhyme,
So we'll not waste much of your time
In higher math X is hard to find,
But Allah's path is clear even to the blind
(* the Arabic letter "seen" stands for the unknown)

Y is for Yunus
Peace be upon him, a good man in a wicked town,
He ran to the sea and a whale gobbled him down
By the mercy of Allah he was saved to tell,
His people to become good and obey Allah well

Z is for Zero-sin
It is the way we each begin,
Free from wordly sin
So, don't let yourself forget,
Keep out of the devil's threat!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

make over vs over make

As salam semua, 
before continue i would like to make and announcement,
a very important announcement...
sounds like gempak gilerz ni..

untuk kesekian kalinya i will change my blog name...
from madamsuri to mrsbudin,
sebelum korang tanya apa-apa,
please read this statement ha...
`ni blog aku, suka ati aku le nak wat apa ngan blog ni'
bajet tak tahu nak jawab apa-apa...

mrs budin
ntah kenapa tetiba je rasa macam nak guna nama tu,
who's budin?
mesti korang nak tahu kan?
tak nak tahupun saya nak citer gak.
actually budin is mr hubby
it's not his real name off course.
got the name during his college years
until now most of the frens 
still calling him with that name

although for me
the name sound so irratating at first
cam nama budak nakal je...
but since i know who and what sort of person he is
the thought can be
dicampak ke longkang..
and since
always been address as mrs budin
i think...
it's sound so sweet 
and i like...

since dah tukar nama ni
kenalah touch up sana sini sikitkan
hmmm hopely korangpun like...